Illustration of emoticons

٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶ Illustration of an Emoticon

٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶」 Illustration of emoticons
Emoticons icon settings Emoticons
Image of icon setting
٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶
 Type of illustration We illustrated a variety of emoticons, including smiley faces, crying faces, and angry faces. They are square, so they may be used as profile images for SNS.
 Support for special characters Create emoticons, including special characters that are difficult to express
 About the display of special characters Emoticons that contain special characters and symbols may not be displayed properly depending on the browser you are using or the font (typeface) used.

Emoticons Icon 「٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶」 kaomoji

「٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶」 List of Illustrated Images

  Different typefaces can make a difference in the details, and when applied to social network icons, for example, they are smaller, so it can be difficult to notice the change.

 ٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶ In addition to illustrations with white and black backgrounds, we also created emoticons illustrations in fresh green and pink.

rounded gothic style Gothic typeface

Emoticon Illustration ٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶

emoticon image ٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶
 About the display of special characters Due to the characteristics of special characters and symbols, there may be no sense of unity.

emoticons Black Background

White illustration ٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶

Black Illustrations ٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶

The size of the emoticon illustration is 450 x 450. It is a relatively large square.
It's a low-blurring emoticon for Twitter, Instagram and other profile images.

green pink

爽やかな顔文字背景 ٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶

かわいい顔文字 ٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶

Twitter Icons (Emoticons)  You can find more emoticon illustrations in our other pages.
 The emoticons with special characters and symbols were created.
Emoticons Icon Ideal as a profile icon for social networking sites such as Twitter...
Size of illustration Large image of "450×450" with square size emoticons illustration
 It's a relatively large size but could be resized to accommodate.

important points Not for commercial use , redistribution.

character site
golden japanese characters cool japanese characters cool japanese characters calligraphy sample blue japanese characters

٩(๑ ºωº๑ )۶」 emoticon page

Adjust the size and centering (centering) of the emoticons for each illustration.
To avoid garbling of special characters, we used Arabic characters.

 In some cases, the original appropriate special symbol was not found and a similar symbol was substituted.

Notes No commercial use or redistribution of the images and illustrations that make up the site.